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Components of community development

Elements of community development
         1.    Children development
         2.    Adolescent development
         3.    Youth development
         4.    Women development
         5.    Welfare of senior citizen
         6.    Health and family welfare development
         7.    Family life education
         8.    Agricultural and allied activities.
         9.    Co-operative service society
10.   Education
11.   Communication

Children development programme

 Children are the future wealth of any nation and therefore it pays to invest in their development. The child development programme may be viewed as a support service for families with children from birth to age four. It has also been found that the ability of parents to support and foster the healthy and lifelong development of their children is enhanced by the provision of early intervention resources.

Children’s should be given a proper and valuable foundation of the knowledge with respect to practical aspects to apply the knowledge right from there upbringing it is necessary to raise our children with the desire and motive to grow the community and its development. 
For the betterment of their and community’s future their upbringing should be done in correct way in order to get the more developed and highly succeeded personalities in the near future. Their surroundings, schools, hospitals, and other services should be checked to be in supportive nature as it is an ideal condition most often it does not seem every time but our duty is to give them as much as possible to us.

Adolescent development programme

 Adolescence is an important period of growth and human development, in terms of physical, mental and emotional maturity. It is a period when adolescents are expected to acquire adequate capacity, capability and skills for future life. If adolescents are not well taken care of, they can develop negative attitudes and behaviour that can affect the development of a community. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the community and CDWs to carry out programmes that promote the all-round development of adolescents.

Youth development programme

 Youth are a priceless gift to any society. Being a productive age group, they can contribute a lot in the process of community development. Investing in youth development in a holistic and comprehensive manner will pave the way for sustainable community development. Women development programme Women are the silent but effective contributors of community development. Their contributions in domestic and non-domestic fields are of great importance in community development. It is the responsibility of a community to nourish, care and promote the total development of women, including their reproductive health.

The welfare of senior citizens

Ageing is a natural phenomenon and a part of our life cycle. The expertise and experience of senior citizens should be utilized for community development initiatives. Protection and social security of the aged population should be the responsibility of the community. Reorganization, acceptance, caring and rearing are part and parcel of the community development.

Health and family welfare programme

The health and family welfare programme is an important activity in the community development programme. It includes the physical, mental and social well- being of individuals. Reproductive and child health activities are also important components of a community development programme.

Family life education

Family life education is another important area which needs much attention in the present context of our social system. The traditional Indian family system is very strong and has laid the foundation for our cultural and family life. Family life education teaches individuals, their duties and responsibilities in the family. It also covers the role of the family in community development and societal empowerment.

Agricultural and allied activities

Agricultural and allied activities provide healthy food for the community. As part of community development activities, a community should produce most of its essential food items. It should address the nutritional deficiency by enhancing agricultural production in the community. The community should also promote the use of organic and eco- friendly agricultural initiatives in order to achieve sustainable agricultural production. In addition, there should be the development of agro-based industries and initiatives to protect the fertility of the land, such as the use of organic manure. The community should also maintain the essential vegetables and meats log.

Co-operative Service Society

The health co-operative service societies are the backbone of community development. The co-operative sector touches all fields of community development. The community development worker can acquire the capacity and capability to run and manage co-operative service societies in different fields. This would help community development through group intervention. Another aim of the co-operative sector is resource mobilization and the proper utilization of resources for community development.


Education is an important tool for community development.

There are three main types of education:
  Formal, non-formal and informal.

Formal education is a classroom-based activity provided by trained teachers and guided by a structured curriculum leading to certification.

 Non-formal education is a loosely organized learning activity may or may not be guided by a formal curriculum. This type of education may be led by a qualified teacher or by a leader with more experience.

Whereas informal education is the learning happens outside of a formal learning environment. 

Here the teacher is simply someone with more experience such as a parent, grandparent or a friend as well as the community and the environment he/she lives in.

Each of these types of education has its own importance in community development. Non-formal education can address the issues of adult illiteracy as well as vocational and other skill development needed to support community development.

 Formal education produces thinkers, planners, managers, policymakers and other professionals needed for community development. Indeed, as we mentioned earlier, Human Resource 

Development (HRD) is an essential component of community development.

Education plays a pivotal role in human resource development. Education also helps to develop skilled manpower who can either generate employment or be deployed in various sectors of the community. For example, the skilled and qualified labourers can be utilised for the production of manpower for community development. The CDW should collect data from the community on unemployment, underemployment and employment. The concept of a labour bank and its effective use is very helpful in utilising manpower for community development.


Effective communication is another important aspect of community development. Communication in this context is not merely verbal communication but includes various other forms that bring people together, physically and ideologically. For example, the construction of roads, transportation and communication facilities help to link members of the community with each other and with the globalised world.

Communication and infrastructural development help the process of community development in two ways: -   
                 1.       By creating awareness on global opportunities
                 2.        Increasing the scope for marketing, HR and other products.

Hence to conclude this article there are mainly above shown types of communication development areas, even more, elements can be added from different communities or castes. What we have to choose is to mainly develop at least one of the areas perfectly.

Carry out different areas from above or on your own that seems to be developed, and do the research about that particular field that needs to develop in order to develop our social civilization and the communities.


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