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Showing posts from November, 2019

Thinking For Community Development

Thinking For Community Development Hello dear readers, here I am with new and most essential topics for self-development as well as community development. Thought process for the development of the community it is a process that never ends once it begins with taking actions, commitments and patience. So that thought process begins by any rational mind has reasons and logically developing motives behind them which are the driver of that thought. But the real aim to initialize the Thinking process is to develop something desirable and meaningful (community development). If you are reading my one of this blog then there are many chances that you are willing to be a developer or leader of the community, but somehow everyone wants to be that which is virtually irresistible. Here I am talking about the key of thoughts that strikes an idea and an understanding to develop the community. There are many of the key areas that we can develop our community, like: - 1)

Courage like Soldier , Struggle like Farmer

Courage like Soldier Struggle like Farmer Hello, dear readers, I am here with a superb topic of Leader's behavior. Whenever you see any leader you must notice 2 most important properties of him are COURAGE AND STRUGGLE.   No doubt if anyone called a leader must possess these 2 qualities, but somehow we are the members of any community, society or clan, living our daily life full of challenges and chaos so that we will need these primary properties of the leader. Let's elaborate on these qualities. 1) Courage: - As we, many times notice that Courage is the thing which ensures the steadfastness of the worker at its work without procrastination, Courage is the heart of Soldier against the large Enemies, Courage is the first step of action for your prepared plan, courage is saving your money, courage is going an extra mile for your assumed limits, courage is taking risks, courage is bringing the value to your customers, courage is that limitless power which st

Youngsters Of The Community

The Young Group of the community Hello readers, I am here with the new topic of community development stated as the Role of young blood in our clan or society. As we all know that there are numerous possibilities of having various members in the society or community. From all that various groups of members we got one like youngsters yes, these are the peoples who will decide the future of society and they are the present too. There will be blazing blood of THRIVE, genius minds, ongoing careers, marvelous talents, blissful mind coming out of curiosity and a greatly empathized character of high morals. Which will lead our clan society or community to the level of higher achievement? But, The above paragraph is just one side of a coin or only they posses only one possibility of infinite reality. Another the possibility is as opposed to above all and we can easily get the idea that how worst our community will breakdown if it is the case. But actually that's also

Community development

Construction Of the Community  (English) For the formation of any advanced community. The biggest thing that needs to be done is the cooperation of the peoples and the Rise of the leader. yes, the leader will be the one who guides the Vanes of the community and take the whole community to the level of achievement. It also depends on how people cooperate: -  As the cooperation of the community members is as essential as the rise of the leader because everything that leader plans or the leader leads are the people of that specific community. If the behaviour of the community peoples are not cooperative or helping it may lead to a breakdown of the whole cast and can damage the whole society and can also cause the ship to sink SHIP AS A COMMUNITY: - suppose you are on the large ship which is sailing on the surface of the various ocean. There is a captain in the ship with his crew(sailors) and there are passengers who are sailing with them. If the passengers do not cooperate to th