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Attributes of Leader

The major attributes of leadership


      1.      Unwavering courage: - An intelligent follower will only follow the courageous leader who has the blazing attitude of self confidence, patience, the power to speak, the power to sip the criticism and the one who has an immense amount of self-esteem and self-confidence.

    2.    Self-control: - The person, who cannot control himself/herself, can never control others. Self-control sets a mighty example for one's followers, which the more intelligent will emulate. It directly leads to patience and persistence where an extreme amount of hard work is needed with no possible outcome is seen and the work is done under dark shades and negative whispers of devils and it is what the Ground reality is called.

     3.       Keen sense of Justice: - without a sense of fairness and justice, no leader can command and retain the respect of his followers. The justice is the ever-living part of leadership when it fades from a leader, then such leader became the devastators of their own community/followers /nation/parties and teams. Justice equates the sense of moral being.

    4.   Definiteness of Decision: - The man, who wavers in his decisions, shows that he is not sure of himself. He cannot lead others successfully. Definiteness is the crystal clear vision and conclusion of the whole made plan, without definiteness it is anonymous  to find the right way and may this lack of sense will lead the one to deep roots of confusion and end up being nowhere.  It is the most common reason why any human being gives up or quits at his/her half journey of success because they do not know or they cannot anticipate even if the victory is too close.

     5.  Definiteness of plans: - the successful leader must plan his work and work his plan. A leader who moves by guesswork, without practical, definite plans is comparable to a ship without radar. Sooner or later he will land on the rocks.      

    6. The habit of doing more than paid for: - One of the penalties of leadership is the necessity of willingness upon the part of the leader to do more than he requires of his followers. Someone quoted it nice “the one who is working more for less paid will be soon paid more for doing less work”. It is absolutely true these attributes come out through passionate working having no sense of surroundings but the personals are vastly dedicated to their straight and one final goal.

     7.    A pleasing personality: - No slovenly careless person can become a successful leader. Leadership calls for respect. Followers will not respect a leader who does not grade high on all of the factors of a pleasing personality.

    8.   Sympathy and understanding: - The successful leader must be in sympathy with his followers. Moreover, he/she must understand them. From sympathy and empathy there comes the understanding of the needs and desires for the betterment of the followers for which the leader is made.

     9.   Responsibility: - It is the major role or part of the leader. The responsibility of a leader is greater than anyone who’s having a higher position in any facet of life. The successful leader must be willing to assume responsibility for the mistakes and the shortcomings of his followers. If he tries to shift this responsibility, he will not remain a leader. If one of his follower makes mistakes and shoes himself incompetent, the leader must be consider it is he/she who failed.

    10.   Cooperation: - The successful leader must understand and apply the principle of cooperative effort and be able to induce his followers to do the same. Leadership calls for POWER and power calls for cooperation. The cooperation is the most important medium of the communication of transferring the physical actions and developmental visions of the leader to its follower. While the receiver also plays the most important role in this point cause it has more than half of its containment.

Thank you for reading up to here if you liked this blog then do read our different blogs on self-development as well as community development, and if you do like the quotes then check out our quotes on above-given navigation bar.  

Also if you want to gain more knowledge about life and personal development than you must read this book which is the source of today's blog. Click on this image and get the kindle version of the"think and grow rich" book which is written by Napolean hill after his tremendous efforts and great success knowledge within it.


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